Full jailbreak for iOS 7 devices

Categories: AppleiOS
23 Dec 2013
Full jailbreak for iOS 7 devices

If you like your iPhone or iPad unlocked, but you have iOS 7, you are in luck - the members from the hacker team evad3rs have released a new version of the application evasi0n for OS X and Windows, which will allow you to unlock your iOS devices, with versions between 7.0 and 7.0.4, in about 5 minutes.

Upon installing the new mod you get the unofficial version of the app Cydia, as well as a chinese app store Taig, which is known for it's pirated versions of known payed apps. The team claims that they did not known of this, though.

Word of caution, you should exactly follow the instructions, or you may brick your device.

Link to the mod here.

Source, Via 1, Via 2


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